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The theme of Friday is Blended space

On Friday at the Arena Stage we will jump into the story of entrepreneurship and learn about Thomas Sandell’s large range of design and architecture projects.

Friday 9 Sept 2022

Theme: Blended space

Our lives are made up of moments that are spent in a variety of spaces. These spaces are connected to each other and their use has changed, fuelled by the pandemic of the early 2020s. People work from home, spend private time in public spaces, and order services from anywhere. To what purposes can the various spaces be adapted, and how adaptable should they be? How do the new uses of spaces change homes, work, and cities?

#tilat #spaces #versatility #multipurpose

See the programme

In his keynote Thomas tells more about his large range of design and architecture projects

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Make The Planet Smile - muuta maailmaa! (FIN)

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