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Habitare Choice

Habitare Choice to highlight companies’ actions in responsibility

The Habitare Choice area, to be featured for the second time as part of Habitare, will enable visitors to pick up ideas on how to make responsible choices for all the spaces in their homes. The area, which presents solutions for a more sustainable future, will showcase a wide range of companies operating based on responsible values. The exhibition will be curated by the interior stylist Susanna Vento.

Susanna Vento

Habitare Choice area will highlight the actions companies and organisations have taken towards a more responsible and sustainable future. Exhibits will include products and product concepts that focus on responsibility and sustainability. The driving values behind the area, to be realised in collaboration with the interior stylist Susanna Vento, include inclusiveness and the acknowledgement of responsible actions.

“We want to highlight companies and organisations that have taken significant steps in a more sustainable direction, in terms of both production and materials. If a company is doing something particularly well in terms of responsibility, people should know about it. Change begins with individual choices and new ways of doing things. At the same time, it is important to remember that companies cannot change overnight. Habitare Choice provides a place to acknowledge small, good deeds”, says Susanna Vento, describing the starting points of the design.

Vento would like visitors to Habitare Choice to experience moments of revelation or insight regarding sustainable design. Being responsible and eco-friendly does not exclude aesthetics, which is to say that products can also look appealing and beautiful.

This year, Habitare Choice will present ideas on the importance of surface materials as part of sustainable living

“This year, Habitare Choice will highlight, for example, surface and building materials and will present ideas on how to build a more sustainable home and to make responsible choices. The home can be eco-friendly, starting from the structures”, says the interior stylist Susanna Vento, who curates the area.

Habitare Choice will feature, for example, repurposed demolition waste materials, boards and insulation materials made from wheat straw, natural stones, and environmentally friendly paints. Other items featured will include technology and recyclable furniture.

Throughout the event, the area will offer a programme, including fragrance workshops.

“I believe and have noticed that people are no longer hoarding so much stuff. Instead, people are more into pursuing what is intangible: thrills, experiences, and knowledge. When you learn skills and get an understanding of what goes into making things, your appreciation for each product changes radically. At the same time, you understand how something is created, what it takes to create it, and what the effort is”, says Vento.

In Habitare Choice, small acts are recognized

“Responsibility should be a key part of the consumption behaviour of every one of us and the starting point for the business of every company. However, it is a complex and ever-changing world, and the real challenges are bigger than just people. That is why even small actions matter. They accumulate and move things forward towards a better future.

In addition to responsibly created products and concepts, Habitare Choice welcomes material innovations. The exhibition structures used in the area are 100% recyclable.

“Finland has made some great innovations, including pulp-based textiles and biodegradable packaging materials. And the changes are truly spectacular. Even now, any one of us can make more responsible choices”, Vento points out.

The companies participating in Habitare Choice:

Arkivé Atelier I Artek I Bolon I EcoPanel (former Olkilevy) I Genelec I Hiil I Jokipiin Pellava I Lapuan Kankurit I Loki I Martela Outlet I Mifuko I Mysoda I Niimaar I OnePan I Pidät I Sees I Spolia Design I Studio Eggi I Suomen Luonnonmaalit

Would you like to exhibit in the Habitare Choice area?

Does your company prioritize sustainability, streamlining consumption, and responsibility? And does it manifest in real actions, whether small steps or big leaps? Tell us about it and propose your company for the Habitare Choice area!