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Habitare Materials 2024

Habitare Materials is Habitare’s experiential and inspiring materials library, where visitors can explore surface materials in the home and experiment with combining different materials. Visitors select, combine and compose their own collage from the material samples on display to immortalise and share on a collage table. Visitors will also receive manufacturers’ product information for their projects and purchases of the materials of their choice. Habitare Materials is a space for visitors to play and discover.

Habitare Materials will be on show at the world’s most important design event, Milan Design Week, in spring 2025.

Check out Habitare Materials on Instagram

You can get an idea of the concept on Habitare Materials’ Instagram @habitarematerials, where you can check out visitors’ social media posts about the exhibition in the profile photo feed and saved stories.

The ease of participation

We offer material manufacturers a new and easy way to participate in the exhibition. The Habitare Materials exhibition is organised and curated by  NEMO architects Jussi Laine and Maria Klemetti Laine. Under the leadership of Jussi and Maria, Habitare Materials will also host the exhibition in its entirety, so there is no need for companies to be represented at the exhibition and thus no commitment of employee resources. It is of course possible for a company to extend its participation with its own stand. Read more below.

NEMO architects Jussi Laine and Maria Klemetti Laine. Photo by Christian Jakowleff.

How to get involved?

Participation in Habitare Materials includes:

1. Sample pieces in the exhibition’s material library

Your company’s model pieces are included in the Habitare Materials exhibition’s materials library for visitors to use and immortalise on the collage table. From the back of the model pieces, customers can easily pick up the material manufacturer’s product information for sourcing purposes.

Visitors interested in the exhibition will be directed to your company’s website and any stand you may have. Visitors will also be instructed to tag your company in the collage photos shared on social media.

2. Participation in the Habitare Materials exhibition architecture

Participating companies will have the opportunity to implement parts of the unique Habitare Materials exhibition architecture and gain wider visibility for their material. Participation in the exhibition architecture will take the form of a stand element designed by NEMO architects.

3. The opportunity to participate in the Habitare Materials stage programme

4. Visibility pn Habitare

  • on social media,
  • newsletters,
  • website and also
  • on Arena Stage.

New in 2024

Expand your own participation with new opportunities:
KIOSKI or your own department in the MATERIAL Block!!


Now you can offer visitors even more extensive and in-depth information about your materials range in a single Habitare Materials Kiosk area adjacent to the Habitare Materials stand. In the kiosk, your company will have its own small area with two dividing walls. On one wall you can put your company logo and the other wall can be covered with your company’s own surface material. At the kiosk you can easily meet visitors and receive guests in the Habitare Materials area!

Material Block

You can also reserve a whole department at Habitare, which will be located in the immediate vicinity of Habitare Materials in the material blocks. This gives your company the opportunity to reach visitors with a complete brand experience in the most comprehensive and versatile way possible. With your stand located in the immediate vicinity of Habitare Materials, it is easy for customers to find additional information if they are interested in your company’s materials.

The reach of Habitare Materials

  • Habitare Materials 2023 reached 42 000 visitors in five days
  • 350 visitors represented the press
  • Habitare has 17 000 followers on Instagram
  • Habitare Materials is followed on Instagram by 1 900 users

Habitare Materials Milan 2025

Habitare Materials takes over Milan again! Habitare Materials has been invited to the world’s most important design event at Milan Design Week in spring 2025. The invitation follows Habitare Materials’ successful debut at Milan Design Week in spring 2023, when the Habitare Materials exhibition presented 14 great Finnish companies in the Alcova exhibition complex at Fuorisalone. A staggering 90 000 visitors came to see the show during the week!

Do you want to join us in spring 2025?

Alcova Milan is a Fuorisalone event that has been running since 2018 and in three years has become a major fixture at Milan Design Week. Each year, articles focusing on the Alcova exhibition are published in the most important current affairs media in the sector, such as Wallpaper, Dezeen and the New York Times.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and join us at Habitare Materials Milan!

Habitare Materials Milano will take place in the same way as Habitare Materials at Habitare in Helsinki. The Milan exhibition offers a unique opportunity to present your company’s materials to international players and designers, to reach international design media, curators, retailers and partners in a state-of-the-art curated package together with Finnish and Nordic material suppliers. At the exhibition, the entire international design audience will meet your products at the most sought-after venue of the most important forum of the year.

Easy participation

Habitare Materials offers a pre-curated and conceptualised exhibition opportunity that is easy to participate in. Habitare Materials’ production will take care of all the forwarding (from the Messukeskus to the Messukeskus) and freight for the Milan exhibition. In addition, the Habitare Materials team, led by NEMO architects, will also host the exhibition in Milan, sharing information on materials and material suppliers.

How to participate in Habitare Materials Milan?

Participation in Habitare Materials Milan includes:

1. Sample pieces in the exhibition’s material library

Your company will have pieces of material displayed in the exhibition’s material library for visitors to browse and collage. Visitors and designers from around the world will become aware of your company’s products and share collage images on their own channels. NEMO architects will be responsible for curating materials from commercial partners as well as curating the material innovations invited to the Curator’s Choice exhibition.

2. Visibility in the Habitare Materials exhibition architecture

The company has the possibility to produce part of the exhibition architecture designed by NEMO architects, consisting of display furniture designed with materials from material suppliers. This is a tremendous opportunity to achieve greater visibility at the Milan exhibition and in the media.

3. Habitare Materials production marketing support, including.

  • for exhibition marketing and information professionals and the media,
  • visibility on social media channels and
  • the production of marketing material for the participating companies.

4. Participation in Habitare Materials in Helsinki in autumn 2025

The production of Habitare Materials Milan will continue with the completion of Habitare for autumn 2024. The exhibition architecture, model pieces and furniture will be stored at the Helsinki Exhibition Centre until the summer of 2025. A second curation for companies will take place in August 2025, allowing them to revise their own material selection to suit the Habitare audience and to bring in the summer novelties.

The reach of Habitare Materials Milan

  • Habitare Materials Milano at Alcova 2023 reached 95 000 visitors in 7 days
  • 1 300 of the visitors were journalists
  • On Instagram, Alcova Milano is followed by 55 000 users
  • Habitare Materials is followed by 1 900 users on Instagram

Take advantage of Business Finland’s Exhibition Explorer support

The partners selected for Habitare Materials Milan are export-oriented and design-oriented Nordic material suppliers. An Exhibition Explorer search will be set up for Finnish companies in the project, to which companies that meet Business Finland’s criteria can apply. Companies will have the possibility to apply for a retroactive 50% subsidy towards the cost of participation.

The grant application must be submitted before the event and the company is responsible for applying for Business Finland’s Exhibition Explorer grant. All companies that participated in the Milan 2023 edition and met the application criteria were eligible for a retroactive refund of half of the participation fee as an export subsidy through Exhibition Explorer.

Contact us and ask more!

Let’s work together to design a participation solution that’s right for you.